New community copies + additional files

Just a short note to say that I've added  a file included in THE COMPLETE PARIAH SANDBOX COLLECTIOn. This illustrates how I'm using a variation of the Genius Loci procedure in the PARIAH RPG. If you've played or read my adventure Atop the Wailing Dunes this won't be news to you, but I wanted to share it in case you're not familiar!

When I first published this page I included 101 community copies which, to my immense pleasure and surprise, I see have all been claimed. So I've added another 79 to bring that total to a round 180. please don't claim unless you're enduring genuine hardship: if you just want to "try before you buy" the entire contents are displayed in the game's screenshots, so you can print/download those!

If you're interested in the COMPLETE PARIAH SANDBOX COLECTION please take a peek at the following link:

This is an ongoing project to which new files are added every month. Supporters have the chance to buy the incomplete game at a crazy low price, but each month it goes up.. it's currently sat at a whopping THREE US DOLLARS so get in quick before it inflates further!

(a limited number of community copies are available at the start of each month)


85 days ago


Buy Now$2.00 USD or more

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